Mothers Day 2010
So about one month before Mother's Day came along , I was sitting in my kitchen with my sister-in-law Yania and my brother Danny and all of a sudden it came to me. The theme for this years Mother's Day lunch. As most of my friends know, I love anything and everything that has to do with Asia. I love the people, food, and culture. So I thought this year would be Asian themed. When I said that, it all started to come to me more and more. First, was the menu home made eggs rolls and crab rangoons for the appetizers, next was the Asian salad which I went with mixed greens, mandarin oranges, and crunchy noodles. The dressing was a ginger vinaigrette it was so YUMMY! Next was Egg Drop soup, made a little different then in a restaurant, I added noodles to it and made it very nice and thick. For the main course, I went with home made fried rice, chicken, and salmon teriyaki, but of course, I don't stop there. I then came up with the great idea of each mother being a different color; my mother would be (purple), my grandmother would be (yellow), my brother's mother-in-law would be (orange), and my brother's sister-in-law would be (pink). So that was the very start of something very beautiful and special that would come to be over the next month.
I had such a great time getting ready and hiding everything from my mother or even doing things in front of her. Her not having any idea that what I was doing was for Mother's Day. One sunday afternoon my brother's mother-in-law came over as I had things hanging from the celling and she said to me, "Wow this is so beautiful what is this for?" I then said to her I am bored , it's nothing I am just practicing. I had no idea that she was coming over. But she believed me, which was good but I hate to lie. At the same time, I was hand painting a table that my grandmother had her eye on when she came over one day, she told my mother that she needed one just like it so she could read her bible everyday by her window. I then knew at that moment what I was going to do with it. So I took it to my room and locked the door for the next 2 days. When I was done painting it I called my mother to see it and she loved it. Although it was a table my mother wanted , her and I both know how much my grandmother would love it.
For the next few weeks things just kept falling into place for me with ideas, I don't know where they come from but I am blessed to get them. Please never stop coming. The closer mother's day would come the more excited I was. So here it was the week leading up to mother's day. Wednesday, I went out to start getting the food, Thursday I finished getting everything that I needed for the food. Friday I went and got the flowers, which if you remember from before each mother is a different color and of course it sounds easy. Well guess what, it is not! I went to my favorite store Michael's crafts and I went to get all 4 colors of the ribbon (purple,yellow,orange,pink) and wouldn't you know I spent about 1 hour tying to get matching ribbon and that it was beautiful as well. Sounds so easy but it wasn't. I finally had to get 3 that matched and 1 that looked alike but just a little bit different, to the naked eye it's not something you would notice but I know:0) Then once I had the ribbon GUESS WHAT? I then had to go find the 4 colors in roses. Again not easy. This time, I went to so many different stores. This was much harder then I was expected. Reason is purple is a very hard rose to find, mind you, it's mother's day everyone needs roses. It was killing me that I couldn't find them. I was about to change the concept I had and just use white roses but would you know the last place I went had purple and pink beautiful flowers but no orange or yellow. I went ahead and got the ones that were so hard to find and went back to the other store where yellow and orange was there like crazy. It was a great way to end the day. Now Saturday comes along, I got up at 8am made some coffee and went to it in my room. I wanted to get everything finished and ready for tomorrow. I sat in my room all day with my beautiful and lovely dog Princess Leia watched Nip Tuck season 5 and went to town. It was 9 :30pm when I made sure I was ready for Sunday morning. But before I would go to sleep I pre-made some food so I wouldn't have so much work to do tomorrow morning. Once I was done with the food I started with my many gifts to my mother. Make over from head to toe gift # 1. So I painted her nails and toes with a beautiful red nice and bold color. It was out of her comfort zone but I did tell her it was a make over so she went with it. By the time we went to bed it was 2:30am. Crazy I know like Mother like Son :0)
Sunday morning came and gift #2 was I was going do her make-up as well as her hair. Before I started I made sure I had a big nice warm cup of coffee. I had to be up at 7am that is something I don't do very often but today was a very special day. Again a little bit out of my mothers comfort zone with the make-up but she loved it. Beautiful light earth tones with a shimmer of cranberry and a sexy bold red lip from MAC. Love me some MAC! gift #3 Next was getting her dressed, I must say I do have great taste in clothes. My mother loved her outfit and shoes I got her. When I was done, I looked at her and I was so happy that I made her happy. But of course, there was more to come she just didn't know it yet.
She and my father finally left to got to church at 9am , that means I only had until 1pm to have everything up , cooked and cleaned. I didn't waste anytime. I started moving everything I could out of the dining room, once that was done I put the table together, all I had to do was bring everything down from my room and place it on the table and hang things around. I finished the dining room in 1 hour and it was amazing as you can see. Then it was back to the cooking , and before I knew it my brother Danny and his wife Yania came to help. They loved how the idea we had talked about a month ago came to life. Once we got the call that they were on there way I got so excited. As soon as they got home the 1st thing that they said was how beautiful the dining room looked and they could not believe how amazing everything looked. It brought me so much joy to see them all so very happy. I then sat the mothers' all down at the table and it was time to eat. I made sure to make them feel like the QUEENS that they are. We had such an amazing afternoon with the family altogether and I am truly blessed. I love you and hope you enjoy my work thanks for checking me out :0)