Saturday, November 14, 2009

Christmas in November

One of my first clients this season was photographer Ana Cabrera. Her vision was a “Winter Wonderland” theme for the living room. She wanted it light and bright, so it is mostly silver and blue. She already had a lot of traditional ornaments and decor, so the family room is decked out in red and green.

Take a peek at her blog to see my new business headshots: ANA Photo Design christmas decorator christmas decorator   christmas decorator christmas decorator christmas decorator christmas decorator christmas decorator christmas decorator


Anonymous November 21, 2009 at 11:55 AM  

Your pictures look great!

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About Marybackwards Design

As a dancer for many years, Yram comes from a creative background. His interest in events sprang from planning crew parties on many of the ships where he danced. He learned how to make something spectacular from limited resources and carries that experience into this venture. He looks forward to planning your next event and making it an unforgettable experience!

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