Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Feeling a lot like Christmas!

Here you will see my fun, over-the-top side as Bobby and Dwight let me go to town with over 3,000 lights on the tree, which after we were done, I turn around and half of the tree was out. Can I say OMG! But Bobby helped me fix the problem which was not such a big deal , thanks to me getting shocked. I loved what Dwight and Bobby picked out for colors. They went with green and silver with a few glass snowmen and peacocks. I had such an amazing time working on their tree. Christmas music was playing at all times which made everything go so well. After I worked on the big green and silver tree, I moved to the smaller 4 foot tree in the hall way. They had these small, very cute Rudolph claymation ornaments that I had to put to use. So I went with blue and silver on the small tree. So cute. I made the topper myself. The last thing I worked on was the bathroom centerpieces in the same color as the small Christmas tree, blue and sliver. I hope you enjoy them Dwight, Bobby, and Isabella.


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About Marybackwards Design

As a dancer for many years, Yram comes from a creative background. His interest in events sprang from planning crew parties on many of the ships where he danced. He learned how to make something spectacular from limited resources and carries that experience into this venture. He looks forward to planning your next event and making it an unforgettable experience!

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