Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Red and Silver at My Best

So this is the 3rd and final tree at Dwight and Bobby's house for their Christmas party. I have to say this was the most fun to do because Dwight had his brothers and sister-in-law over to put things on the tree. They had an Elvis Christmas CD playing in the background and they all sang along with Elvis. You could feel the Christmas spirit. I worked my magic on top of the tree and we all put any and everything red and silver that they had on the tree. It turned out so beautiful and the Christmas party was a big hit. I am really glad I was able to bring joy into your home for the Holidays.


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About Marybackwards Design

As a dancer for many years, Yram comes from a creative background. His interest in events sprang from planning crew parties on many of the ships where he danced. He learned how to make something spectacular from limited resources and carries that experience into this venture. He looks forward to planning your next event and making it an unforgettable experience!

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